Dreams Come True!

Dreams Come True!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

UnMarried Singles: Is Marriage Really Necessary?

Hi.. How is the single life going? For me... I am pulling it as the days go by.

We have a heavy issue to look at (i hope you agree), so heavy i can't
even venture to be the alpha and omega of it.

I am looking forward to us lowering this heavy mountain together.

Are you ready???

Alright, lets hit it.. Is Marriage really really really really ne-ce-ssa-ry?

While i guess my tone seem to seek for supporters who would say

'No, its not!' I must confess that i am of no clear cut opinion as of the

But... Isn't that why we have a platform like this where we could really look
into the matter and rerun conclusions and exceptions in our minds.

What is Marriage?
Let's skip the dictionary meanings and think from our very own point of view ......

How would you define Marriage? take 55 seconds, think about it and in a minute
you have a mirror image of your perception of marriage on this page.. please post
it at the comments below, get more friends to share their opinions and we will move on from there looking at the differences in our definitions and if it has anything to
do with the individual conflicts we have on the matter of marriage... my fingers
are still bent on the keyboard.. Roll them in!

Remember, introduce yourself with: Your first name, age, sex, marital status (Never married, Divorced, Seperated), Country.

From there, we should be more objective at dealing with this almighty
phase called 'Marriage'.

If you have other matters that bugs your mind and you can't bring
your self to ask anyone.. Visit my other blog where we dare ask questions
without apology and hope to get straight answers without lies. (www.youdareask.blogspot.com)


  1. Rubia / South AfricaMay 6, 2010 at 11:39 AM

    Marriage is a decision to continue the journey of life with another soul tied up with you!

    How do we know when we can start talking about the necessity of marriage... I really like the concept of this blog. I just stormed into it but i will tell my friends.

  2. Rubia / 25/ South Africa/ UnmarriedMay 6, 2010 at 11:44 AM

    Marriage is a decision to continue the journey of life with another soul tied up to yours till death.
    When do i know when you start the series on the necessity of marriage.. i just stumbled into this blog but i love the concept..and will share with friends.

  3. i think marriage goes beyond a man and a woman.. God wants us to experience a feel of His relationship with His Church and Marriage is a fulfilment of that!


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